Check out these interviews to see my art making process:
Let's Talk Picture Books
Design Of The Picture Book
About ME:
Hi! I'm Rebecca Hahn. I live in Portland, Oregon with my husband, son, one lonely gerbil (it's a long story) and new studio buddy: Blu the Whippet. I bounce between teaching art classes at my son's school, illustrating, creating my own artwork and being a mom.
I graduated from KCAI with a BFA in Printmaking, spent the next 4 years working for Disney Consumer Projects and began freelancing shortly after. My professional and personal work have been shown in numerous shows and publications around the world.
My artwork is meticulously painted, sewn, and crafted by hand combining special papers and found media. Sometimes I'm joined by a little helper who is usually more than happy to share his opinion. (future art director!)
Thanks for stopping by to checkout my work and joining me for a moment in this busy messy beautiful life.
Clients & Shows:
(coming soon)